The squat hurts the knees! I don't squat because I have back problems! Are you learning to squat...
2019-04-16 10:10:37
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The squat hurts the knees!
I don't squat because I have back problems!

Are you learning to squat now? Well! First we see step by step how to squat

There is no doubt that squatting is one of the most effective exercises to strengthen and tone leg muscles. It is not by chance that it is one of the exercises that I insert more often in training programs because it has the dual effect of strengthening the muscles of the lower part of the body while improving the aesthetic appearance of the legs and buttocks, the latter in particular way. Not to mention that it is a very valid exercise to strengthen the muscles of the abdomen and back

When I explain the squat to my clients for the first time, the question I hear myself most often concerns how to position the feet compared to the knees or vice versa. Perhaps now you would like to ask me the same question ... here is the answer summarized in three points:

“The knees follow the toes”: this means that the knees do not stagger towards the inside or towards the outside but remain in line with feet during the whole movement.

"The weight of the body must be distributed evenly": When performing the squat do not ever lean forward or backward, let alone laterally but try to maintain good stability of the whole body by distributing the weight on heels and forefoot.

It might be useful to do preparatory exercises to approach the squat to learn the basics of the movement well before moving on to the actual exercise. Therefore I will limit myself to providing you with simple and clear general guidelines to help you perform the squat in the most correct manner

Have you ever heard of WALL SQUAT?

Start by squatting in front of the mirror (it will be the last time you will use it) trying to keep the weight of your body on the back of the foot, stay two seconds in this position and then go up slowly trying to maintain the acquired tensions.